Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Obama's and McCain's opinions on Darfur

Barack Obama believes that genocide is underway in Darfur. African Muslims are being killed and displaced from thier homes. Upwards of 1.2 million people are homeless because of the Sudanese government and 50,000 have been killed. The Arab janjweed are bing encouraged to kill a specific race and religion of people. Thus making it genocide, and action needs to be taken says Obama. Obama thinks that if the genocide continues the casualties will be horrific. The crisis will is only getting worse but the international community isn't taken enough action to stop the genocide. Obama has no doubts that genocide is happening and that there isn't enough meaningful action for this tragedy.

John McCain seems to be riding the fence. He has called a genocide, however, for the most part just calls it the situation that is going on in Darfur. McCain believes that there is a huge crisis going on and that something should be done about it. He believes that is a crime against humanity but may not believe that it is targeted only to one group of people. He seems to be side stepping if this really is an issue of genocide but thinks that this is a horrible situation that needs to be stopped.

I believe that there is genocide going on in Darfur, Sudan. There are 400,000 people dead and 2.5 million homeless. These numbers are higher now then when Obama's article came out and its rising everyday. This crisis is targeted at African Muslims. Darfur is home to racially mixed muslims and the janjaweed are encouraged to go after the Muslims that live there. Genocide is happening, it just comes down to which presidential candidate is going to do the most to stop it because it is little to no action taking place by the international community.

Links for Obama:



Links for McCain:



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